Jamie went to her 15 month doctors appointment on Wednesday. Dr. Greene gave her 2 thumbs up!! Said 'she looks great' She got 2 shots in her leg :( poor baby. It breaks my heard to see her cry like she does when she gets those shots. She is into everything these days. She has pee peed in the potty three times and she kind pooped in the potty the other night. She sat down and started looking at a book and the next thing we know she pooped. She got up and looked at her poop and was amazed. She got half of a banana for her little treat.
She loves to play outside, can say some many different words and understand several commands. She really enjoys it when her sisters come over and she gets to play with them.
Jamie can really throw a ball. She throws it with her right hand. But sometimes when she eats she tries to eat with her left and right hand. So we really haven't figured out which hand she will use.
Brian at Merle Haggard. Great Concert. |