My favorite holiday of the whole YEAR and it rains the whole day and weekend!! :(
Totally bummed. Brian did try to put on a parade for me. Which of course cheered me up!!! But I was bummed because Jamie didn't get to see fireworks or go to any parade. Brian also had to have eye surgery the week before 4th of July so that didn't help either. He had a torn retina and had to get a gas bubble put in his eye so the tear would heal. It was very weird. He had to keep his head down for a whole week. The only time he could look up was to eat or go to the bathroom. It was a weird weekend. But he is doing much better now and has been on light duty since Monday. So that has been nice to have him here in the building with me!

I have read two books since my last post of books. I read The Orphan Sister by Gwendolen Gross. It was a book I just picked up a book store because it was like $2.99 and it looked good. Well I really didn't like it. The story is very weird and I don't like all the mid-thought from the past when the current event's where happening. I skipped a couple of chapters because I was more interested in the current events than the past events in her life. Glad I read it but I don't think i would recommend it to anyone.
The other book I read was Paula Deens Autobiographer. What an excellent book. I would recommend this book to anyone. Her life story explains why she is the way she is...I think she is completely getting the shaft right now. I support her 110%

Jamie has finally started saying her name. I think she knew the whole time she just likes playing games. She love reading and playing outside but since its been raining like everyday for the past two week she hasn't been able to go outside lately. She is saying so many words and sentences its almost like your having a conversation with her. Growing up so much!
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