Jamie will be 2 in May its very hard to believe. I remember her being born like it was yesterday.
But then I have to be concerned about stats like this "Men over 45 may have offspring which have a higher likelihood of a neuro-cognitive disorders, such as autism and schizophrenia. They could also be expected to have a slightly lower IQ." Should something like that concern me since Jamie is happy and healthy?
What age should your first child be around before you think about having another one? I was thinking maybe when she is about to enter pre-K, but then I think will Brian be to old? He will be around 46? Should I just be happy with Jamie and not chance having another baby? Even though I want one pretty badly but I don't want to jeopardize missing anything in Jamie's life. OK I am on a soap box now...
My mom's hat I made her. |
But I did get to hold two very sweet babies this week. So I was excited about that. First, was Ms. Adrian Head welcome to the world! I held her on Tuesday and she was so tiny, Jamie was NEVER that tiny! Second, was Ms. Ansley Stevens Happy 1st Birthday!!!
Kids are great!