Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Cobb County Hot Car Death

If you don't live in the US you might have not heard of the Cobb County hot car death.
This case hits very close to home since this is the county that we currently live in and where I grew up.
So the short version is that a dad took his son to day care most days which is about .50 miles from his work and "forgot" about his son and left him in there for 7 hours.  Baby Cooper died of heat stroke.
some people saw accident ......most people say on purpose.
This case has made National News.  This case makes me SICK!
This women and man should be in jail, better less lets lock them in a hot car and let them suffer like their poor innocent son.

He had googled: what temperature does a car have to be for a person to die.
He had googled:  How to have Children free life
He hag googled:   How to survive in jail

They had taken out 2 life insurance policies on baby Cooper.  Who takes life insurance policy out on a 22 month old??

Justin Harris the so called father has sexting 7 different women and sending pictures during and before Coopers death.

2 weeks prior to Coopers death for some reason Justin Harris and his wife switched Cooper back to a rear facing car seat from already have switched to forward facing.   The police have stated that his car seat was set on the lowest and tightest level possible.  So that means that Cooper had to be in their TIGHT because that setting is for an infant like a 5-15 pound baby. 

At Cooper's funeral they say the so called mother Leanna Harris stated that if she could bring her son back she wouldn't not into this world, for his first heart break.  Are you serious girl!! If something every happened to my child. I would be on my hand and knees begging for my child to return and for God to take me!!

 If you didn't want this sweet boy that you should have given him to a family that would have loved him and cared for him for the rest of his life. 

RIP Baby Cooper and I so sorry that you had such a short time on this earth.  My you rest and be  protected with God.  May we all meet your amazing and beautiful smile one day and run and play together!  Keep smiling Cooper

This is from the Safe Kids website.

Top Tips

Reduce the number of deaths from heatstroke by remembering to ACT.
A: Avoid heatstroke-related injury and death by never leaving your child alone in a car, not even for a minute. And make sure to keep your car locked when you’re not in it so kids don’t get in on their own.
C: Create reminders by putting something in the back of your car next to your child such as a briefcase, a purse or a cell phone that is needed at your final destination. This is especially important if you’re not following your normal routine.
T: Take action. If you see a child alone in a car, call 911. Emergency personnel want you to call. They are trained to respond to these situations. One call could save a life.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Its Been a long time

My favorite holiday past so I have to post some pictures.  Because this year I actually got to see a parade and fireworks!!

My favorite the horses!!!

That day was great!  Wish mom was up for going to the parade but hopefully next year!! By the way she is cancer FREE!!  We went out to eat for the first time for her birthday/mothers day!! she was so excited.  The restaurant we went to even sang happy birthday to her and then announced she was CANCER FREE!! yahhhh!!


So I feel like I have gotten disappointed lately in a lot of peoples behavior.  Jamie is doing each day with hers :) which makes us happy.  She is learning that if she doesn't act right than things get taken away!  She still has her moments but don't we all!  However Brian's middle daughter has always seemed very close to me but lately has been giving me major attitude especially when I am texting her which I try not to text her anymore because I don't want to deal with the attitude.   I have told her this is NOT the way we will be raising Jamie and do want to deal with it. She just laughs it off.  I know that age and dealing with her parents being divorced is a lot however I don't think an attitude is necessary.  Brian really never hears it or sees it because its like she only does it around me.  We are drilling in Jamie's head that it is yes not yeap or no not nope, please and thank you each and every time.
Also, Brian's middle daughter is starting Cheerleading which I can't stand.  I think it makes teenage girls grow up to fast and be a follow and not a strong women leader.
oh well not much I can do expect raise my child as a STRONG women and a nice and considerated women.
I have read a few books.  Right now I am reading "First Family" by David Baldacci.
Very good!!